
Bridge - Canasta - Pinochle


Hosted by Linda Bakian @


Bridge is being played at the Northwest Senior Center (NWSC) on Thursdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.  Beginners to experts are welcome.  Please contact Linda Bakian,  if you are interested.


Hosted by Donna Singer: donna.mainardi.singer@gmail.comand and Pat Boyko:


Canasta is currently held at the Village of Ridgewood Community Center on Thursdays from 1:00pm – 3:00pm.  If you are interested in playing Canasta, please contact Donna Singer: or Pat Boyko:


Hosted by Andrea Gallucio:

Pinochle is a card game played by two teams of two. It is played with a special pinochle deck, 9 to ace. Bidding takes place between the two teammates, depending on how much meld, or points are in your hand. The winner of the bid starts the game by calling trump, or wild card and begins by leading with a card. Tricks are taken according to the highest value card. In the event that a suit cannot be followed it must be played by using a trump card. Cards have specific values, as well as melds (card combinations). Rounds are played until a team reaches 500 points. 

There are many ways to play pinochle, but the most common rules will be followed. Participants will be given a “cheat sheet” with rules, card point values, bidding strategies, etc.